Thursday, September 24, 2015

Preorder and Paperbacks

Well hello hello.  How's everyone doing today?  Me, I'm just nifty.  I'm actually really f'ing excited because today's been huge.  First, after talking to my author buddy Jeremy Croston, I went ahead and put Feast and Famine up for preorder yesterday.  That was a cool feeling, and even cooler was putting up the final manuscript today.  I need to thank my friend Katie (an English teacher) for taking the time to read it over and correct a lot of my mistakes.  I also want to thank Jeremy again for letting me use his funny character interviews from his blog for the book.  One is an interview with Derrick and the other is an interview with Khloros.  I think they bring even more fun to the book.

With the preorder up, I also decided to get the paperback version of Old War Stories up.  I know I really dropped the ball on that, as I was super busy this summer, but for all of you who like actual books, it'll be available tomorrow.  And Feast or Famine is coming to paperback tomorrow too!  I tried my best to keep the prices down, Old War Stories is $5.99 (US) and Feast or Famine is $6.99 (US).

Tomorrow I'm going to post chapter 2 of the upcoming release - which is slated for October 12th.  I don't really know what to expect with a pre-order, but I'd be pumped if one or two of you grabbed it before release.  Anyways, thanks for being some of the coolest readers on the web and I'll be back tomorrow with chapter 2.


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